The consumption of alcoholic beverages by those under the age of 21 is a prevalent issue throughout most areas in the United States. Along with the many legal implications this problem can present, many health concerns can affect youths who drink excessively. In order to prevent alcohol abuse in minors, it is necessary to understand the risks of underage drinking. If you or somebody you may know is experiencing alcohol addiction, it may be time to consider young adult alcohol rehab.

At Zelus Recovery, patients experiencing young adult alcoholism are given the support and treatment necessary to recover. Reach out to one of our specialists to learn about our young adult alcohol rehab program as soon as possible by calling 208.518.0797 or filling out our online form.

Why Do Adolescents Participate in Underage Drinking?

Adolescents often cite many different reasons for getting involved in underage drinking. For some young people, alcohol seems more innocent than other addictive substances. Other young people say they were curious about the effects that alcohol would have on their body and mind.

Another reason teens begin using alcohol is to relieve stress. Teens are under an enormous amount of pressure today. A recent study found that 1 in 3 of adolescents struggled with an anxiety disorder. There are multiple causes of that stress anxiety, including:

Pressure to succeed

High expectations

A world that feels threatening or scary

Social media

Moreover, many parents don’t realize or underestimate the amount of stress their child is under. Therefore, their child may feel more inclined to resort to alcohol.
Another reason that our children struggle with alcohol is that they want to fit in. We’ve all heard the phrase, “Bad company corrupts good character.” This phrase is especially true in middle and high school. If a young person is at a party that involves alcohol, it is likely that they will try it at least once. They want to fit in and for their friends to like them. Many see using alcohol as their key to that.

There are various other reasons that a teen might become addicted to alcohol, but a key one is that adolescents see drug and alcohol use in the media. Social media, TV, movies, and various forms of media often portray high schoolers partying as the norm. As a result, when our children see their friends using alcohol, they think that this is a normal part of growing up. Combined with the desire to fit in, this sets them up for a terrible fall. No matter how the problem gets started, the repercussions of underage drinking can be severe and long-lasting.

We use a range of useful therapy programs, such as:

Relationship therapy

Individual therapy

Group therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Dialectical therapy

Issues Associated with Underage Drinking

Most people of all ages are aware of the legal issues involved when minors are caught consuming alcohol. Aside from monetary fines and potential jail time, these types of illegal activities can be far-reaching for many adolescents. However, there are many other problems associated with underage drinking.

Decline in Quality of Schoolwork

Many teens suffering from alcohol abuse issues begin to display a lack of concentration and memory when it comes to their schoolwork. As a result, their grades may drop, or they may even consider leaving school.

Failure to Meet Important Obligations

Obligations with school, employment, and family can also begin to suffer when an individual becomes involved in drinking under the legal age. Teens who are employed may start showing up late for work or getting into trouble on the job.

Declining Health

Regardless of the age of those consuming it, alcohol can have serious detrimental health effects. Your health may decrease even more the longer you drink over time. However, these health effects can potentially be even more severe for those who are still developing and growing.

Serious or Fatal Accidents

Drinking and driving is a related issue that can have fatal consequences in many cases. While it’s almost never the intent, teens who are driving under the influence of alcohol can cause accidents that take their own lives or the lives of others.

In 2018, SAMHSA estimated that 863,000 adolescents needed treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab facility but did not receive it.

The time to act is now. Contact Zelus Recovery today, for the sake of your child.


Seeking Treatment with Zelus Recovery

Professionals who specialize in alcohol addiction treatment understand the complexity of underage drinking. They can also comprehend that each person is different and may respond to treatment differently. Therefore, substance abuse programs need to be unique to fit the needs of each person seeking help.

Zelus Recovery is an addiction treatment center located in Meridian, Idaho. By providing in-depth help aimed at adolescents and young adults, Zelus Recovery can help those suffering from substance abuse experience a full recovery. Using a multi-disciplinary approach involving early intervention, family programs, and outpatient protocols, Zelus Recovery can provide personalized care for all those seeking help.

We use a range of useful therapy programs, such as:

  • Relationship therapy
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy

Don’t let your teen suffer from addiction any longer. Contact Zelus Recovery today and get your teen on the path to recovery.

We treat a variety of addictions, including:

  • Alcohol addiction

  • Marijuana addiction

  • Opioid addiction

  • Adderall addiction

  • Heroin addiction

3.7 million 12-17-year olds in the United States received addiction treatment from 2017-2018.

Don’t let your teen suffer from addiction any longer. Contact Zelus Recovery today and get your teen on the path to recovery.

Don’t allow underage drinking to ruin your life or the life of your loved one. Contact Zelus Recovery today at 208.518.0797 to find out how to start recovery.

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