Using drugs for a prolonged period can lead to drug tolerance. The receptors in the brain that react to drug use may become less sensitive with continued drug use. Hence, one may need higher dosages to get the same effect they obtained using a lower amount. After some time, a person gains physical dependence such that the body cannot function with the absence of the drugs. This creates the need to visit a California rehab center such as Wellness Counseling Vida Entera to receives the necessary support to get started on the path to recovery.
Using any drug exposes one to the risk of physical dependence. So, one can get addicted to the use of prescribed medication such as painkillers or recreational drugs like alcohol. For either case, dependency on a substance may cause a person to experience undesirable symptoms upon withdrawal. The nature and extent of the symptoms differ depending on the dosage and duration of use. People who use drugs more often are likely to experience severe symptoms compared to rare users. Additionally, the symptoms of physical dependency can be categorized as physical or psychological. Both of these signs are a result of changes in the central nervous system due to drug abuse. In some instances some individuals may need to break their dependency at a California drug detox center or alcohol detox center
The most common physical signs of dependence are confusion, hallucinations, and seizures. One may experience changes in the breathing rate and feel nauseous. Physical dependency on a drug may cause headaches, vomiting, and constricted pupils. One can also experience physiological effects, such as irritability, depression, and memory loss. In some cases, a user may feel disoriented, then experience mood swings and blackouts.
Psychological dependency may lead to mental and emotional attachment to a drug. Hence, one may display irrational and violent behavior when they cannot access or use the drug. Such may include stealing, lying, agitation, lack of concentration, and social isolation. One may also show symptoms that are similar to the physiological signs of physical dependence, such as depression. Some individuals facing this type of addiction opt to receive help from a depression treatment program concurrently while receiving addiction treatment.
Physical and psychological dependency are both aspects of addiction, but there is no clear difference between the two. Hence, a person can show some signs of dependence, which also have psychological characteristics. For instance, one can feel depressed due to the lack of a drug and have physical symptoms such as decreased appetite. Yet, it is crucial to note that it is the mind that manages psychological addiction while the body controls physical dependence.
The methods used to treat physical dependence differ depending on the type of drug. One must first undergo detox to get rid of toxins that may have accumulated in the body due to drug abuse. It is recommendable that a person detoxes under the supervision of a physician. This step will help one to receive medication that will manage intense withdrawal symptoms. After detox, one may join a treatment program to assist in long-term addiction treatment. Some of the most effective programs that treat physical dependence are:
- Dual diagnosis treatment
- Medication-assisted treatment
- Residential addiction treatment in California
- Intensive outpatient program
In most cases, medics may administer another drug to help one recover from addiction. The replacement drug may have the same effects as the abused drug, but with fewer side effects. For instance, one may take benzos to reduce the withdrawal effects of alcohol. Another way to treat addiction is by lowering the dosages of the abused substance slowly. This procedure helps the body adapt to lower dosages of a drug, hence restoring normal functioning.
Seeking treatment for drug addiction will help you avoid physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms. At Wellness Counseling Vida Entera, we have customized treatment plans for people seeking addiction treatment. Our program consists of therapy and group meetings to aid in long-term recovery. Contact us today at 833.607.0837 to join a substance abuse treatment plan.