Heroin addiction is one of the most difficult addictions to treat, both physiologically and psychologically. Understanding the effects of heroin abuse can help you prepare for life beyond detox and recovery. At Solution Based Treatment & Detox in Murrieta, CA, our evidence-based drug rehab treatment gives clients a firm foundation to maintain clean living and recover from the physical effects of long-term heroin use.
Short-Term Effects of Heroin Abuse
Heroin has a real and pervasive impact on your health with as little as one use. Several factors impact the severity of the side effects, including your height, gender, weight, the quantity taken, and how you take the drug. Additionally, the longer you use heroin, the more complex the psychiatric and physical effects become.
Here are some of the most common short-term conditions following heroin use:
- Euphoric rush or high that lasts for up to 5 hours
- Flushed skin
- Unnatural relaxation
- Drowsiness
- Small pupils
- Heaviness in limbs
- Severe itching
- Nausea and appetite loss
- Runny nose
- Slow breathing
- Confusion
Health Impacts of Long-Term Heroin Addiction
If you continue to use heroin long term, physical dependence sets in. Your body becomes used to the drug, and your brain rewires itself based on the presence of heroin in your system. Drug tolerance inhibits the desired rush that accompanies heroin use. Eventually, you will need more and more of the drug to get high.
The Cycle of Heroin Use and Abuse
Heroin’s rush of euphoria sets off a dangerous cycle. When you increase the use of heroin, you increase your risk of an overdose, a coma, and death. If you stop taking heroin or begin to use less, your body goes into withdrawal. Symptoms of withdrawal include muscle cramps, vomiting, cravings, and restlessness.
Both heroin addiction and the unsanitary conditions surrounding its use can lead to long-term impacts such as the following:
- Liver disease
- Pulmonary infections
- Collapses veins
- Chronic constipation
- Kidney disease
- Heart valve infection
- Arthritis
- Hepatitis
- Depression
- Skin abscesses
Effects of Heroin Abuse on Your Brain
Heroin addiction impacts the physiology and structure of your brain. When you use heroin, it deteriorates the brain’s white matter, affecting your decision-making ability and making it hard to control your emotions. Even after you go through detox and rehab, you have to remain vigilant to avoid a relapse.
Symptoms of a Heroin Overdose
Heroin abuse may lead to overdose. In order to prevent death, it’s essential to recognize the symptoms of an overdose, which include the following:
- Difficulty breathing
- Bluish nails or lips
- Drowsiness
- Spasming muscles
- Mental confusion
- Pinpoint pupils
- Low blood pressure
- Delirium
- Tongue discoloration
- Discolored tongue
- Coma
Seek emergency care as soon as you notice any of these symptoms in yourself or someone you love.
The Effects of Heroin Abuse Include Likelihood of Incarceration
Heroin is a designer drug and a very expensive habit to maintain. Since aggression is a common side effect of heroin addiction, you are much more likely to become violent by using heroin than some other types of illicit drugs. Using heroin increases the likelihood that you will physically harm both strangers and those you love. You may also have great remorse once you become sober, leading to feelings of depression and anxiety.
Heroin Rehab in Murrieta, CA
Heroin addiction requires the help of medical and psychiatric professionals. Due to the dangerous side effects of withdrawal, it’s dangerous to suddenly stop using heroin without supervision.
Healing From Heroin
The dedicated team at Solution Based Treatment and Detox in Murrieta, California, can provide medically assisted therapy to make detox and rehab more comfortable and avoid life-threatening side effects. Don’t let heroin addiction determine your future. Contact us 833.999.1941 today to learn more about our addiction treatment programs.
Originally Posted: https://www.sbtandd.com/